Title: Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Exposures, Effects, and Interventions: A Collaborative Research-to-Action Partnership with Firefighters (2024-2029)

Funding: National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) R01ES035965

Principal Investigators: Jeff Burgess, MD, MS, MPH; Shawn Beitel, MS; Captain Jamie Gabriel; Jackie Goodrich, PhD; (Retired) Captain Jeff Hughes; Yiwen Liu, PhD; Heather Stapleton, PhD; Derek Urwin, PhD

Project Coordinator: Cynthia Porter, MS


The goal is to collaboratively study exposures, toxic effects, and exposure-reduction interventions at WUI fires

Specific Aims

1. Evaluate firefighter exposures during WUI responses by measuring urinary PAH and other metabolites and chemicals deposited on silicone wristbands.

2. Measure toxic effects of WUI exposures.

3. Evaluate interventions to reduce WUI exposures.

Anticipated Impact

The proposed community-engaged research should provide a more complete measure of the WUI fire exposome and associated toxicity and identify interventions that significantly reduce chemical exposures. This research-to-action approach will both directly benefit firefighters and inform overall public health responses.

Study Updates

Enrollment has started