FFCCS Organizational Chart

click link above for chart

  • Responsibilities:

    1. Provide fire service project guidance and oversight.

    2. Identify additional sustainable funding.

  • Responsibilities:

    1. Develop biological sample collection, processing, and analysis protocols.

    2. Conduct pilot studies of epigenetic markers of carcinogen effect and risk.

  • Responsibilities:

    1. Build on existing FF cohorts.

    2. Develop research questions.

    3. Provide uniform and secure data collection systems.

  • Responsibilities:

    1. Identify or develop a self-reported exposure tracking system.

    2. Evaluate carcinogen exposures.

    3. Build job exposure matrix for carcinogens.

    4. Provide improved occupational exposure data.



    • Jeff Burgess, MD, MS, MPH

      • FFCCS Director

      • The University of Arizona

    • Miriam Calkins, MS, PhD

      • EAC Co-Lead

      • NIOSH

    • Melissa Furlong, PhD

      • DCC Co-Lead

      • The University of Arizona

    • Jackie Goodrich, PhD

      • BAC Co-Lead

      • The University of Michigan

    • Judith Graber, PhD

      • DCC Co-Lead

      • Rutgers the State University of New Jersey

    • Casey Grant

      • OPB Co-Lead

      • DSRAE

    • Sara Jahnke, PhD

      • DCC Co-Lead

      • NDRI

    • Alex Mayer, MPH

      • EAC Co-Lead

      • NIOSH

    • Russ Osgood

      • OPB Co-Lead

      • FCSN & Ogunquit Fire Department

    • Sreeni Ranganathan, PhD, MS

      • OPB Co-Lead

      • FPRF

    • Heather Stapleton, PhD

      • EAC Co-Lead

      • Duke University

    • Shawn Beitel, MSc

      • Research Program Administration Officer, The University of Arizona

    • Reagan Conner, MPH

      • FCRP Project Manager, The University of Arizona

    • Olivia Healy, BS

      • IRB Coordinator, The University of Arizona

    • Beth Hoornaert, AS with concentration in Clinical Research Coordinating

      • Firefighter Sulforaphane Pilot Study Coordinator, The University of Arizona

    • Krystal Kern, MA

      • FFCCS Data Manager, The University of Arizona

    • Samantha Metlitz, MPH

      • CAPS Study Coordinator, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

    • Cynthia Porter, MS

      • FFCCS Data Scientist & Analyst, Wildland, WUI, and Electric Battery Fire Study Coordinator, The University of Arizona

    • Michelle Valenti, MPH

      • Women Firefighter Study Coordinator, The University of Arizona

    • Candance Van Vleet, DHA, RN

      • North Carolina Program Coordinator, Duke University

  • OPB Steering Committee:

    Captain John Gulotta, Tucson Fire Department

    Casey Grant, OPB Co-Lead, DSRAE

    Chief Frank Leeb, First Responder Center of Excellence

    Russ Osgood, OPB Co-Lead, FCSN & Ogunquit Fire Department

    Sreeni Ranganathan, PhD, MS, OPB Co-Lead, FPRF

    OPB Membership List

    click link above for list


  • Arizona State University (ASU)

    Colorado State University

    Duke University

    Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF)


    National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH)

    Rutgers the State University of New Jersey

    Tennessee Tech University

    The Wildfire Conservancy 

    University of Arizona

    University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)

    University of Miami

    University of Michigan

    University of Washington

  • Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN)

    First Responder Center for Excellence (FRCE)

    International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI)

    International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF)

    Metropolitan Fire Chiefs Association 

    National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF)

    National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC)

    North American Fire Training Directors (NAFTD)

    Women in Fire

  • Participating Fire Departments

    Click the link above for participating departments.